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Interior design projects


Wall painting with organic shapes and colors.

Painting murals on the walls of homes is an excellent and cost-effective way to add a touch of creativity and personalization to any space. As a designer, I come up with the perfect mural design and take care of the painting work on-site, providing a one-of-a-kind decorative element that reflects the client's personality and preferences. Following Cami Studio aesthetics, I always tend to go for organic shapes and earthy color palette. I would be happy to help you make your home this comfy and welcoming place you always dreamt of! Contact me for more information.

Flat in Tossa de Mar

Restauration of a flat on a budget.

Last 2022, Cami Studio participated in the remodel of a once-old and deteriorated flat in Tossa de Mar, transforming it into a modern and inviting sanctuary ideal for summer beach getaways. The renovation included a complete overhaul, with special attention to the bathroom, which was completely redone to reflect contemporary aesthetics and functionality. The all remodel was done with a tight budget of 30k which was achieved thanks to a creative adaptation of the existing features of the flat.

This rejuvenated flat is now a perfect coastal escape, blending the charm of a beachside retreat with the comforts of modern design. It's an ideal setting for unforgettable summer holidays by the sea, where relaxation and style converge in perfect harmony.


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